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Need a Prom Do-Over? Go Vintage

Ever wish you could have a re-do for your high school prom? Did you choose the wrong date, the wrong dress, or get too drunk off Dr. McGillicuddy’s? Maybe, like me, you had not yet learned the importance of proper eyebrow maintenance. Or maybe you still cruise past the juniors’ section in your local department store every spring, secretly wishing you had an excuse to wear polyester satin and sequins again. Well, there is still hope for you. Vintage Madison, a group of “like-minded ladies who collect, sell and adore vintage clothing” is hosting their first annual Vintage Prom at  the East Side Club on May 7.  And if you don’t have an answer to the age-old question of what to wear, they’ll be hosting a pop-up prom shop at the Project Lodge from April 22-28.

Even if you’re not going to the vintage prom and would rather sit at home and listen to angsty music, it’s worth checking out the pop-up shop for some vintage treasures. Vintage Madison has even assembled a prom look book on their website for those who need fashion inspiration. You’ve gotta love these ladies. They believe that “fashion is cyclical and clothing is better when it has a story to tell.” As someone who recently finished a novel about a vintage clothing store and the stories behind the clothes, I couldn’t agree more.


  • Style Maniac

    High school prom mistakes: two out of three, check. (Not telling which two, though.) My dresses now qualify as vintage so I guess I could wear them? Ha! As if they’d fit.

    In Philly they have something a bit similar–Bridesmaid Brunches, where you attend brunch in your worst bridesmaid dress. You know, the one your friend told you could absolutely be worn again.