Mix Classic with Bold, Warm with Cold
By Guest Blogger, Dorothy Munholland While the weather tries to make up it’s mind this season, I’ve decided to put my foot down and get serious about spring. The winter boots have officially been put away and even though snow and sleet have both been on the menu in the past few weeks, I am no longer willing to wear a hat or gloves to class. Still, the inconsistent weather makes being prepared for all temperatures a must. Too often I’ve found myself wandering campus wishing I had just one more or just one less piece of clothing to battle the elements. With that in mind, it has become necessary…
Spring Forward, Stay Neutral
By Guest Blogger, Dorothy Munholland The transition from winter to spring can be one of the most exciting yet simultaneously exasperating times of year for those of us who spend the colder months envisioning our warmer weather outfits. There is nothing quite like wearing shorts outside for the first time in months, especially when you realize that you may have jumped the gun on sporting bare legs. Then, just as you think it’s finally time to shove the wool sweaters towards the back of your closet the forecast calls for… snow. Great. Fortunately, I’ve managed to avoid the outfit letdowns caused by unpredictable weather and closet transitions because most of…
Tee Time
My husband prides himself on his collection of bizarre t-shirts. His standards are strict. They have to be soft and they have to fit well. They can’t be from Urban Outfitters. Oh, and did I mention he doesn’t like to shop? So unless I want to see him wearing the same t-shirt every weekend–the one from his kickball team 10 years ago that says “Kick Me in the Junk”–I have to try, from time to time, to point him in the direction of sources for new t-shirt purchases. Thank God for Etsy. In a recent search for not-too-scratchy, not-too-big, sufficiently unique t-shirts, I came upon a local Madison Etsy seller,…