The Modern Vintage Table
The holidays are here. It’s time to take down that platter or roasting pan you keep on high shelves or in the back of the cupboard. One of things I love about Thanksgiving, besides the license to stuff myself silly, is that it provides an excuse to use seemingly impractical, single-purpose items like gravy boats, table runners, and brandy snifters. Unique vintage items, like those pictured below, suggest a time when people didn’t eat dinner in front of the TV or lunch hunched over a desk. It’s as if they say, Sit down. Linger. This is special. Stay awhile. That’s the kind of holiday spirit I can get behind. [topcollage]…
Are You Ready for the Madness?
I’m not talking about basketball. It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with Mad Men. My thirty-first birthday fell on the premiere night of the fourth season, and I somehow convinced my husband and friends to come dressed in costume. The start of the fifth season on Sunday doesn’t fall on my birthday, but that’s okay. I’m not sure I could wait any longer, anyhow. It’s already been a year and a half! In the meantime, I’ve been feeding my addiction for all things mod on Etsy and Pinterest. A peek at some of my favorite Mad Men-inspired items: Each row, left to right (all images from Etsy): 60s rocks glasses…
Glossing Over It Has A New Home
Glossing Over It has a new home. One more suited to the lifestyle to which she’s grown accustomed. It looks like this: Just kidding. That’s the home of fashion designer Trina Turk in Palm Springs, as photographed in Town & Country. What I really meant is that the Glossing Over It blog has a new home on the interwebs, meaning I’ve changed my blog address. So make a note of it, and change your bookmarks, blogrolls, and links. Because my new web address is…get ready for it… If you forget and go to my old address, susangloss.com/blog, don’t fret. The door will not be slammed in your face. You’ll be…