The Thrill of the Hunt
Vintage stuff seems to be the theme of the week for me. On Tuesday I guest blogged over at StyleManiac about why I love old clothes, and today my weekly article over at Wisconsin Public Television’s Engage Wisconsin site is about the environmental impact of the clothing industry, and how buying items secondhand can help reduce that impact.
What I didn’t mention in either of those articles, though, is that another factor underlying my love of vintage things, besides the stories behind them and the recycling aspect, is a more primal notion–the thrill of the hunt. It’s satisfying to find the proverbial diamond in the rough: a pair of unworn Tod’s alligator-print flats at St. Vinny’s for nine dollars, or a dovetailed Eames-era Lane table (see above) for 15 bucks (I found both of these things in the same day–the secondhand gods must have been smiling on me). I’ve been known to call friends frantically from thift stores saying something along the lines of, “There’s this great dress here, and it doesn’t fit me, but…what size do you wear?”
Annie Spandex
I LOVE mid-century furniture. It’s the best!
This table is very moderno! It is quite the find…If this table could talk: updo’s, cigarette holders, martinis, tight straight leg ankle pants with side zipper, pointy toe flats, Chubbie Checkers records.
More on Lane:
Style Maniac
Such a nice treat to have you mention Style Maniac again — thank you.
Wonderful how this week you spun three tales out of the same thread, resulting in three very different vintage stories.